This is How it All Starts!

Welcome to my blog/personal story telling and happy you are here!

I decided to start this blog to share personal experiences about topics that I find interesting and have spent time researching or utilizing. This will be mainly focused on travel, credit cards (miles and points) and personal finances.

I foresee this as a hobby and won’t have a set schedule or topics that I want to cover, however I do enjoy discussing these topics and just want to put “pen to paper” on what I think about topics, as well as how I am utilizing tools and experiences. This could range from talking about our Emirates First Class fight home from our honeymoon (yes, I did take a shower in the air) to how we earn miles and points to how I keep track of personal spending to saving and investing.

With all that said, I just hope to write some interesting stuff and maybe some will enjoy it, comment or engage with me. While my wife loves all those experiences that we are doing together, she thinks writing them down might slow me from wanting to discuss them in detail with her.

Feel free to reach out or suggest anything you would be interested reading about. Maybe I might have a story or opinion on it.

Thanks for reading.


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