Thailand – First Impressions and Thoughts on our trip

I started writing this as we were on our 36-hour journey home from what can only be described as an incredible trip. I am reflecting back on the six days we spent in Thailand, nicely reclined in my business class seat and can just say: We loved every second of the six days we spent in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. In this post, I want to dot down some initial thoughts about it all.

I will have a more detailed review on most aspects of the trips, including the flights we took. Spoiler Alert: Hong Kong Airlines Business Class was very nice. It will also include a insight look at the hotels we stayed at, as well as some of our activities and food experiences.

We also continually learning from past trips and for this excursion, didn’t jam-pack our agenda. That still allowed us to do a lot of sightseeing, but also leave time for naps or time at the pool, after a sweaty day touring Bangkok. In the past we have tried to see and experience everything and that is just not possible. That is one travel tip we can’t stress enough: Don’t overload your trip with activities. After all, it is vacation and your mind and body need to relax and take in all the new impressions.

Some planned and guided activities, as well as exploring on our own

While there are many things we experienced, a few stand out. Our highlights were a Canal Tour in Bangkok that took us in a small boat through the small waterways through and around the city. The guide provided a lot of information about the Thai culture, way of life, Buddhism and history. We visited some temples, a floating market along with a local lunch by the canal. We can’t recommend this tour enough, if you want to see Bangkok from a different perspective and away from the main tourist bustle. Shout out to our neighbor Brad for the recommendation.

Elephant Sanctuary as a standout highlight

The other highlight on so many levels was our day spent at the Kanta Elephant Sanctuary. I will go into many details on it in a separate post, but Oh My God, what an experience. To be so close with these gentle giants, able able to touch them, feed them and bathe them was a once-in-a lifetime experience. Elephants are Elli’s favorite animals so her excitement level even far-exceeded mine.

Don’t be afraid of the travel time

There were plenty of other things that we did and saw. The food was certainly a highlight as well, as we had some awesome meals. For example, we had dinner at Gaggan, Asia’s best-rated restaurant the last three years by the Michelin Guide. That was certainly an experience in itself to have a 25-course tasting menu. On the other end of the spectrum, we went to the same dinner spot every night in Chiang Mai and dinner never ran us more than $10 all-in. Lemongrass, you have a special place in our heart.

Lemongrass. Best restaurant in Chiang Mai

For many, the actual travel time to Thailand seems daunting. While I don’t want to minimize it, for us, this is part of the fun. We also can’t tell you how much of a difference flights in business class make. You don’t dread long flights, as you will be able to sleep, get good food and catch up on some movies. Layovers you are not left to sitting on the floor in the terminal, but are enjoyed a nice lounge and will probably have the ability to shower and refresh.

Based on all of this, the trip really exceeded my expectations and I am very happy we took the time to go. The flights, experiences and people made this a special week for us. You could probably tell from our social media posts that we truly enjoyed ourselves.


Overall, this was a short trip for such a long journey it was very much worth it. We would do it again in a heartbeat. This trip allowed us to tour a country we didn’t know if and when we might would visit. The people are warm and friendly and we can’t say enough good things about the experiences we had. If you have a chance to visit Thailand you should absolutely do it!

Anyone up for it the next time a deal comes around? If you want to hear about anything specifically feel free to leave a comment.

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